Natural Health Remedies

Blood in Stools
Blood in stools condition is normally referred to in medical terms as melena

Blurry Vision
Blurry vision can happen at any time, and it can be a slight temporary condition or an indication of something more serious

Cancer - Destroy the Root Of it
“Education in health principles was never more needed than now...” (MH 125.2)

Candidiasis Treatment
Try to eliminate food allergies, hypoglycemia, any infections, and indigestion. Helpful herbs include Burdock, Echinacea, Ginger, Goldenseal, Bee Pollen, Kelp, Lobelia, Passionflower, Psyllium, Slippery Elm, Ginkgo, and Suma

Itchy Skin
Itching skin is a condition when the sufferer feels the urge to scratch certain areas of the skin. Itching skin can be caused due to psychological reasons like stress and anxiety

Kidney Stones
Kidney stones are collections of systemic refuse and toxic matter around a nucleus, and brought there by the impurities in the blood to be discharged in the urine
Selected References/Further Study
MH = Ministry of Healing
CG = Child Guidance
11MR = Manuscript Releases, Volume 11
GCDB = General Conference Daily Bulletin
MM = Medical Ministry
7T = Testimonies for the Church, Volume 7
KC = Kress Collection
9T = Testimonies for the Church, Volume 9
CH = Counsels on Health
CTBH = Christian Temperance & Bible Hygiene
HFM = The Health Food Ministry
Health Notes Index compiled by Anne Lee of Tennessee
The Medical Missionary Manual compiled from the Writings of Ellen G. White
Natural Remedies Encyclopaedia (4th Edition) by Vance Ferrell and Harold M. Cherne, M.D.