
Biblical Perspectives on Prayer and Fasting: Introduction

Samuel Smith



You are welcome to Insights from God's Word, a Bible Study Programme that is committed to sharing God's Word by allowing the Bible to speak for itself.

Friends, we greet you in the name of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.

In this study, we bring you the introduction to our series on prayer and fasting. Prayer is a common word in both the religious and secular world. While secular people have little or no regard for prayer, people in the religious world view prayer as an important aspect of their religious life. In Christendom, we are often encouraged to pray. But what is prayer? How is it to be performed? Does it actually work? How does it work? How important is it in our calling as Christians?

Friends, these are few of the questions that perplex people on the subject of prayer. Thankfully, the Bible has got direct answers to these questions and many more. Thus in this series, we are going to help you find biblical answers to diverse questions on the subject of prayer. We are going to share with you principles from God's Word that will encourage you to develop a lifestyle that is filled with prayer. We are going to give you real life transforming testimonies that will boost your faith in the power of prayer. The entire series is dubbed: Biblical Perspectives on Prayer and Fasting. The topics in this Special Series of Bible Study are as follows:

1) What is prayer?

2) What is the importance of prayer?

3) How does one pray?

4) What is the correct posture to assume in prayer?

5) What are the principles of secret and public forms of prayer?

6) What is the necessity of fasting in prayer?

7) Are there some dangers associated with modern forms of prayer?

8) How does one prevail in prayer?

Friends, we believe that this 8 - Part Series of Bible Study is going to be a real blessing in your life. These studies will be highlighted with beautiful slides that will enable you to have a deeper understanding of the issues that are being discussed. We will want to encourage you to follow the studies closely one lesson at a time so you can fully understand and appreciate this series of Bible study. Moreover, we also want to encourage you to share the studies with your friends so they can also experience the rich blessings that come from studying God's Word.

Our next Bible study is captioned: What is Prayer? The Bible study references for this study are Matthew 6:9, Luke 11:1-13 and 1 Thessalonians 5:17. Please do well to go through these passages before the next study is released.

We wish you the rich blessings of God and encourage you to keep shining for King Jesus.


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