Biblical Perspectives on Prayer and Fasting
Biblical Perspectives on Prayer and Fasting: Introduction
In Christendom, we are often encouraged to pray. But what is prayer? How is it to be performed? Does it actually work? How does it work? How important is it in our calling as Christians?
What Is Prayer?
Prayer is all about developing a healthy relationship God.
What is the Importance of Prayer?
The Bible provides several key reasons why prayer is very important in the life of every child of God.
How Does One Pray?
Amidst the several examples of model prayers in Scripture, one particular type stands above them all. This format of prayer is usually referred to as the Lord's Prayer in Christendom.
What is the Correct Posture to Assume in Prayer?
The Scripture records several examples of prayer posture that were utilised by God's people in communion with their Creator.
What Are the Principles of Secret and Public Forms of Prayer
If God's people will practice the good principles of secret and public prayers, they will experience the moving hand of the omnipotent God in all their assemblies.
Selected References/Further Study
Desire of Ages by Ellen G. White
Selected Messages Books 1, 2 and 3 by Ellen G. White
Steps to Christ by Ellen G. White
Patriarchs and Prophets by Ellen G. White
The Ministry of Healing by Ellen G. White
Counsels on Health by Ellen G. White
Mind, Character and Personality by Ellen G. White
Counsels on Diets and Foods by Ellen G. White
Counsels for the Church by Ellen G. White
A Call to Stand Apart by Ellen G. White
Essential Worship by Ángel Manuel Rodríguez
Biblical Spirituality by Mark A. Finley
Teach Us to Pray by Doug Batchelor
What is the Purpose of Public Prayer? by Paul Omar Campbell. Published in Ministry Magazine
Shall We Dance by Samuele R. Bacchiocchi
Contemplative Prayer and Meditation by John Witcombe and Amazing Discoveries
The Emerging Church: A Call to Action and Authenticity (Part 1 of 2) by John Jovan Markovic's
How Spiritual Formation Almost Destroyed My Life by Stephanie Griffin. Published in Fulcrum 7
The Emerging Church: More than Just a Face Lift by Karl Tsatalbasidis. Published in Adventist Affirm
Interview with Steve Wohlberg on the Emerging Church by Gerry Wagoner. Published in AD Vindicate
The Bible Speaks by W. L. Emerson
The Bible Instructor by Louise C. Kleuser
Basic Bible Study Helps by Harold E. Metcalf
Bible Readings: Bible Questions Answered (Happiness Digest Series)
Christian Beliefs: Fundamental Biblical Teachings for Seventh-day Adventist College Classes by T. H. Jemison