
The Truth About Hell

The Truth About Hell: Introduction
The Truth About Hell: Introduction

The subject of hell is among the topics in Scripture that has generated a lot of controversy within Christendom

Hell: is it a real place or a myth?
Hell: is it a real place or a myth?

The purpose of God in bringing about hellfire is to basically destroy Satan and his host of evil angels. God did not design that any human being should perish in the fires of hell

When will the wicked burn in hell? Is it right after death or sometime later in the future?
When will the wicked burn in hell? Is it right after death or sometime later in the future?

It is a common belief among many denominations in Christendom today that the wicked go to the fires of hell immediately after death. In this study, I want us to go into the sacred pages of the Bible and ascertain for ourselves whether this popular viewpoint synchronizes with the clear words of Scripture

Will the wicked burn forever and ever in the fires of hell?
Will the wicked burn forever and ever in the fires of hell?

The Bible clearly teaches the punishment of the wicked is death (the cessation of life) not a eternal life in hellfire

Where their worm dieth not, and the fire is not quenched: an exposition on Christ's words in Mark 9:44
Where their worm dieth not, and the fire is not quenched: an exposition on Christ's words in Mark 9:44

Christ's words in Mark 9:43-48 do not teach that the wicked will burn on and on in the fires of hell. The phrase was a borrowed expression from the Jewish culture in reference to the ever burning filth at the valley of Hinnom

' for I am tormented in this flame '- : An exposition on the story of the rich man and Lazarus.
' for I am tormented in this flame '- : An exposition on the story of the rich man and Lazarus.

As a result of the contents of this passage in Luke, many of God's children have been led to believe that the spirits of the righteous go to rest in Abraham's bosom (a place of peace and happiness) immediately after death while the wicked are sent to the fiery flames of hell right after they die. Other Christians believe differently that the passage of Luke 16:19-31 is basically a parable that shouldn't be taken literally

Selected References/Further Study
Basic Bible Study Helps by Harold E. MetCalf

Bible Readings: Bible Questions Answered (Happiness Digest Series)

The Bible Speaks by W. L. Emmerson

The Bible Instructor by Louise C. Kleuser

Hell and Abraham’s Hairy Chest (Thunder in the Holy Land Series, No. 17)

Hell-fire: A Twisted Truth Untangled by Joe Crews

Is the Devil in Charge of Hell (Bible Study Guide) by Amazing Facts
