
The Truth About Death

The Truth About Death: Introduction
The Truth About Death: Introduction

Death is basically the cessation of life. It is a reality that we see all around us; yet, like vapour that passes through our fingers into the thin air, its mystery has eluded the simple as well as the learned

Why do we have to die?
Why do we have to die?

As people go through the various stages of life, not a few have pondered over the question of human mortality. Within the deepest recesses of the human heart is the longing to live forever

Is there hope beyond the grave?
Is there hope beyond the grave?

Throughout the various generations of mankind, not a few people have pondered the question as to whether the dead will live again? Many have asked whether there is hope for mankind beyond the grave?

What happens to man after death?
What happens to man after death?

The Bible does not leave us in doubt or confusion concerning the condition or state of the dead

When a person dies where does he go?
When a person dies where does he go?

Several doctrines abound in the religious world today in relation to where our dead friends and relatives are found. We are going to consider a few of these teachings and compare their basic tenets with God's authoritative Word, the Bible

Don't the righteous rest in Abraham's bosom while the wicked are tormented in hell after death?
Don't the righteous rest in Abraham's bosom while the wicked are tormented in hell after death?

As a result of the contents of this passage in Luke, many of God's children have been led to believe that the spirits of the righteous go to rest in Abraham's bosom (a place of peace and happiness) immediately after death while the wicked are sent to the fiery flames of hell right after they die. Other Christians believe differently that the passage of Luke 16:19-31 is basically a parable that shouldn't be taken literally

Selected References/Further Study
The Great Controversy by E. G. White

Beyond Orion’s Gates by Mark A. Finley

The Next Superpower by Mark A. Finley

Basic Bible Study Helps by Harold E. MetCalf

Bible Readings: Bible Questions Answered (Happiness Digest Series)

The Bible Speaks by W. L. Emmerson

The Bible Instructor by Louise C. Kleuser

Are The Dead Really Dead (Bible Study Guide) by Amazing Facts

Emphasizing the Wholeness of Man by Jonathan Oey Kuntaraf and Kathleen Liwidjaja-Kuntaraf

1 Corinthians 15:29 by Ángel Manuel Rodríguez
