
The Final Events of Bible Prophecy

The Final Events of Bible Prophecy: Introduction
The Final Events of Bible Prophecy: Introduction

The twin Bible Prophecy Books of Daniel and Revelation reveal unto God's children the grand schemes of the enemy of righteousness in these end times

An Ancient King's Dream
An Ancient King's Dream

In 606 B.C., God revealed the future of our world to an ancient King who lived in the city of Babylon

An Ancient King's Dream: Part 2
An Ancient King's Dream: Part 2

The last event in the ancient king's dream is the unleashing of the stone that was cut out without hands. This is the only part of the prophecy that is yet to be fulfilled

The Great Controversy: The Battle over Worship
The Great Controversy: The Battle over Worship

After Lucifer fell, he began to contend with God for the adoration and worship of all created beings

Don't Be Soon Shaken in Mind: The Antichrist Deception
Don't Be Soon Shaken in Mind: The Antichrist Deception

Let no man deceive you by any means: the antichrist power will be revealed before the second coming of Christ (2 Thessalonians 2:1-3)

The Strange Beasts of Daniel 7
The Strange Beasts of Daniel 7

Just as the various metallic parts in Daniel 2 represented the four world empires of the ancient world, so does the various beasts in Daniel 7 represent the same ancient world empires

Selected References/Further Study
The Great Controversy by E. G. White

Last Day Events by E. G. White

Beyond Orion’s Gates by Mark A. Finley

The Next Superpower by Mark A. Finley

The Beast, The Dragon And The Woman by Joe Crews

Basic Bible Study Helps by Harold E. MetCalf

The Left Behind Deception by Steve Wohlberg

Bible Readings: Bible Questions Answered (Happiness Digest Series)

The Bible Speaks by W. L. Emmerson

The Bible Instructor by Louise C. Kleuser

When God Said Remember by Mark A. Finley

Why I Go To Church on Saturday (Glow Tracts Pack)

The Marked Bible by Charles L. Taylor

Unveiling Daniel and Revelation by Allan Anderson

The Revelation of Jesus Christ: Commentary on the Book of Revelation by Ranko Stefanovic

Understanding Prophecy: Daniel and Revelation Adventure Course

Daniel: The Seer of Babylon by Gerhard Pfandl

The Prophecies of Daniel and Revelation by Jim Pinkoski

Keepers of the Flame – “Weakest of the Weak” (Video Series) by Adventist Heritage Ministries

The Prophecy Code (Video Series) by Doug Batchelor

Total Onslaught (Video Series) by Walter J. Veith

Rekindling The Reformation by Walter J. Veith

The Final Events of Bible Prophecy (Video Series) by Tony Rykers

The Battle of Armageddon (Video Presentation) by Doug Batchelor

The Battle of Armageddon: the Coming of the Kings of the East and the Final Gathering of the Nations (Video Presentation) by Taj Pacleb
