Which Gate and Way are You Walking in Now?
Samuel Smith
23 Jan'19
Which Gate and Way are You Walking in Now?
Undoubtedly the gate and way to eternal life is difficult to find and walk in, but if we diligently with all humility and honesty search for it we will find that path and also receive strength from Jesus to walk therein. The key text above (
If we diligently seek after Him, He will reward us with eternal and immortal inheritance. Finding the way that leads to life requires complete obedience to His requirements. A form of godliness will not save any of us. We all must have a deep and living experience with Jesus because that alone will prepare us to stand the approaching time of trouble which will precede His glorious second appearing.
Christ entreats us not to love the world and the things of the world, for we cannot love Him in its truest meaning while we love the world and the things of the world. Are we ready to leave the easy road that leads to destruction and join the narrow and difficult road? We can be on that way and keep our path on it when we focus solely on Christ and forget all distractions in whichever form they may come to us. Please remember that Jesus is the Rewarder of those who diligently seek Him!
Isaac Osei Dwumah