
Rejoice in the Lord

Samuel Smith

Rejoice in the Lord

God knows more about your problem than you do. Whining doesn't help! The Bible says to enter His gates with thanksgiving and to go into His courts with praise. If you want God to rule on your behalf, lift up your hands and say, 'thank You! Lord, I thank You!'

Have you ever noticed how worry comes at a bad time, generally at a time of crisis? Like a dark cloud to the sun, worry drains you and robs you of rest. Today, God is reminding you, "I am from everlasting to everlasting. I have defeated your greatest enemies in the past and will continue to fight your battles in the future. Your problems have already been solved. Rejoice and be exceedingly glad! For greater am I, the One who is in you, than he that is in the world!"

Do you feel alone and lost, walking through the valley? God is already there. Rejoice! Are you on the mountaintop? Rejoice! The Bible says a merry heart doeth good like medicine. When you rejoice, you are allowing the Great Physician to apply the balm of Gilead on whatever ailments that you have.

The apostle Paul was right on spot when he admonished the Philippians: "Rejoice in the Lord always: and again I say, Rejoice. Dear friend, decide today to rejoice by choice!


Janet Boateng