You Need the Book
Samuel Smith
23 Jan'19
A ‘need’ denotes a requirement for something. Someone’s needs are the necessities that become the pre-requisites for his or her existence. Basic essential needs of human kind ranges from food, water, clothing, shelter and the like. These are indispensable requirements of life, and they have value by satisfying the physical needs of man. Their absence makes human life uncomfortable, miserable, worthless and inconsequential. To remedy this, human beings work tirelessly to have their needs provided. All the toils of life and the overloads we embrace are basically for the provision of human needs.Though this is a universal routine and a worldwide exercise, many people fail to fulfil some aspects of their needs. As we try to provide the needs of the physical body, the spiritual food that is able to nourish and satisfy the spirit is left unprovided. This spiritual need is a heavenly provision perfectly wrapped for us as the word of God - the BIBLE. When one’s soul gets afflicted, wounded and weak, the word of God comforts and quickens. As the fear of tomorrow overshadow the minds of the unbeliever, to the believer, the word of God gives hope for the future. When unforgiveness afflicts the soul of the unconverted, the believer’s heart is soothed and allay with the word of God which provides principles for forgiveness. As worldliness and love for the world makes one feel good in the solitary place of sin, this word becomes a honeycomb in the mouth of the believer and trains his or her taste for righteousness. The word of God is packaged for the world as the BIBLE. It is the Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth. Do you have a Bible? How often do you read it? You really need this book.
This book (the Bible), like no other book, has Divine authorship and is a book of books. The Bible deals with matters of universal interest: history, philosophy, science, health, architecture, religion, prophecies, etc. It speaks to the needs of every generation, offers solutions to life’s perplexities, and even reveals the origin and future of our world. It has brought peace to troubled consciences, comfort to the sorrowful, hope to the despairing, courage to the despondent, and the assurance of reunion to the bereaved.
No wonder the apostle Paul, even on the death roll requested for this book (the parchment). He knew the very use of the Bible that; it is quick and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit and of the joints and marrow, and it is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. To the righteous, it is a lamp unto their feet and a light unto their path. It is the only truth that sanctifies us. It makes pure the way of the young and strengthens the aged. No matter your age, your class, your religion, your beliefs, your ethnicity, your aspirations and credentials; you need the book - the word of God - the Bible, for it will lead you to the Saviour of your soul - Jesus Christ our Lord.
Pr. Nicholas Obeng Agyekum