Why the Why Questions?

Samuel Smith
23 Jan'19
(Importance of Silence and Ignorance)There’s something a fish can never get in this world; to crawl or walk freely on the beach without dying. There’s something an ant can never get in this world; to surf or walk freely on the sea without drowning. Life is full of mysteries. One thing you can never get is to live a life devoid of shortcomings and pitfalls. Even when you’re dead and buried in the grave, insects will not leave your body to lie in peace; they’ll take a bite.
Stop asking yourself and God too many "why questions". Job mystified by his predicament asked too many "why questions", but at the end he realized they were better left unsaid. We’re hesitant to ask the "why questions" when something good happens to us, but eager to ask the "why questions" when something bad happens to us—a farmer is slow to ask "why" his crops grew overnight but fast to ask "why" weeds keep harming his crops.
God knows best in all things; there’s a reason why you failed your test, a reason why your loved one left you, a reason why your business is not booming, a reason why you’re not yet married, a reason why you’re suffering, and a reason for this outbreak. Some things are better left unseen (
Michael Adarkwah Agyemang