
Made for Something Better

Samuel Smith


Whatever has been invented by man was fashioned out for a special purpose. Man produces things to solve a problem or to improve or complement an already existing item. Anything that is made and do not perform its very task is seen to be useless and sub-standard.

This principle holds in relation to the creation of our world. The origin of our world as set forth in divine records is plainly stated, so that there is no occasion for erroneous conclusions on evolution or whatsoever. God created our world and it is not subject to debate. All things visible and invisible, both in heaven and the earth were made by the word of the LORD, and all the host of them were made by the breath of his mouth, He spoke, and it was done; He commanded, and it stood fast.

In everything that God created, He infected the principle of purpose into it, and that nothing was made in vain; to the earth, He made it to be inhabited, the firmament was made to separate the waters above from the waters below; the sea was created to host the sea beasts; the sun, moon and stars were to give light to the earth and aid in detecting seasons, and the herbs to feed man and other creatures.

Just like all the other creation of God, man was created with a purpose. God created mankind to be a steward of the world. What makes you think sometimes that you are of no use or not worthy to live because of your current situation. You may have likely compared yourself with others and devalued your own self because of your low grades, poor home, or even your physical make-up. It is important to remember that you were not made as a sub-standard material but for something better that is supposed to glorify the Lord. Why not look to God and inflame the purpose of your existence.

Have you considered the fact that you were not created to live for yourself alone? God expects that you utilize the capabilities, wealth, talents, position etc. that you have been blessed with to contribute to the happiness of other creatures. Why do you imbibe the worldly ideology that says; "God for us all but each one for himself". NO! None of the creatures of God live for themselves. The master plan for our existence is to reveal the nature of God, to glorify Him and be a blessing to others. Don’t yield your body to lust and worldliness, don’t sell your conscience or integrity for material gain. Rather, let someone smile, be comforted, be uplifted, be spiritually blessed because of your existence. SHALOM. (Psalm 33:6, 9; Genesis 1; Romans 14:7, 8; 1 Corinthians 10:31).

Pr. Nicholas Obeng Agyekum