
Encounter Series of Comprehensive
Bible Study

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Our Mission is to prepare God's people for the second coming of Christ.

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Prophecy News

What does Our Lady of Fátima have to do with Russia and Ukraine?

What does Our Lady of Fátima have to do with Russia and Ukraine?

It turns out moving your thumb along a decade of rosary beads feels a lot like scrolling through a news feed. I have discovered this as I reach more and more for my rosary these days, amid the flood of horrific images and stories of Russia's onslaught in Ukraine

In New Phone Call Ukraine's President Zelenskyy tells Pope Francis he would welcome Vatican Mediation

In New Phone Call Ukraine's President Zelenskyy tells Pope Francis he would welcome Vatican Mediation

Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said on Tuesday that he had spoken to Pope Francis on the phone, telling the pope that he would welcome Vatican mediation to end the suffering in his country.

Car-free Sundays? IEA sets out 10-point plan to reduce global oil demand

Car-free Sundays? IEA sets out 10-point plan to reduce global oil demand

Driving more slowly, turning down the air-conditioning, car free Sundays and working from home should be adopted as emergency measures to reduce the global demand for oil, according to a 10-point plan from the International Energy Agency (IEA).

Biden joins pope, imam in calling for 'human fraternity'

Biden joins pope, imam in calling for 'human fraternity'

Can any other issue unite the core constituencies of the new right quite like Sabbath restoration?

A Universal Day of Rest: An Online Discussion

A Universal Day of Rest: An Online Discussion

The world stands at a threshold. A virus pandemic has done what decades of environmental activism and legislation has been unable to achieve: a consequential interruption of global production and demand.

The Post-Liberals' Fight For The Weekend

The Post-Liberals' Fight For The Weekend

U.S. President Joe Biden is joining Pope Francis and a leading Sunni imam in calling for greater global cooperation to fight the coronavirus pandemic, climate change and other world crises

Why Keeping a Sabbath Should Be Your New Year's Resolution

Why Keeping a Sabbath Should Be Your New Year's Resolution

Sabbath is like holding a newborn for the first time for many of us. We don't really know what to do with it. It confuses us.

Could Sabbath Closure Laws Make A Comeback?

Could Sabbath Closure Laws Make A Comeback?

Pandemic-related stress and a widespread desire for more time to rest are among the factors fueling the “Great Resignation.” They also help explain why some political commentators and legal scholars spent the weekend debating the Sabbath.

UN Climate Change Conference (UNFCCC COP 26)

UN Climate Change Conference (UNFCCC COP 26)

The 26th session of the Conference of the Parties (COP 26) to the UNFCCC was originally scheduled to take place from 9-19 November 2020, in Glasgow, UK.



The 26th session of the Conference of the Parties (COP 26) to the UNFCCC was originally scheduled to take place from 9-19 November 2020, in Glasgow, UK.

Senate bill aims to display 10 Commandments in Texas classrooms

Senate bill aims to display 10 Commandments in Texas classrooms

AUSTIN, Texas - Texas Senate Republicans are pushing a bill that would require schools to prominently displayed the Ten Commandments in every single classroom starting next year. Senate Bill 1515 passed out of the Senate, and the House will soon take it up for consideration.

New York Fed announces test of digital dollar with major banks

New York Fed announces test of digital dollar with major banks

The Federal Reserve Bank of New York and major banks will launch a three-month test of a digital dollar in hopes of studying its feasibility. The initiative was announced by the regional Federal Reserve bank and nearly a dozen financial institutions on Tuesday.

UN chief calls for global risk management of AI, warns of 'serious unintended consequences'

UN chief calls for global risk management of AI, warns of 'serious unintended consequences'

United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres on Wednesday called on political and business leaders to prioritize a global strategy dealing with the twin threats of artificial intelligence and the climate crisis.

Church leaders unite against new Sunday trading laws

Church leaders unite against new Sunday trading laws

For the first time, senior Roman Catholic, Church of England, Church in Wales, Methodist, United Reform Church and Salvation Army figures issue a joint statement opposing the government's plan to relax Sunday trading laws

European Sunday Alliance: “a synchronised quality resting time for an improved mental health of workers”

European Sunday Alliance: “a synchronised quality resting time for an improved mental health of workers”

In a statement released on Friday 3 March 2023, the European Sunday Alliance calls on EU and national political leaders to put as a priority the establishment of a European weekly common day of rest for workers – by tradition on Sunday, as enshrined in Art.

Should Israel declare Sunday a day off? - editorial

Should Israel declare Sunday a day off? - editorial

With Sunday as a day off, it could boot Israel's economy because it will allow Sabbath observers a full day off to go see family, participate in activities, etc.

Should Sunday trading be reformed?

Should Sunday trading be reformed?

IT seems hard to imagine now but as recent as 30 years ago the high street stood resolutely silent for one day a week.

The Top 6 Most Deranged Moments of the WEF's 2024 Davos Meeting

The Top 6 Most Deranged Moments of the WEF's 2024 Davos Meeting

IT seems hard to imagine now but as recent as 30 years ago the high street stood resolutely silent for one day a week.

Agenda 2030's goal is “no farmers, no food” - if we can't own property, we become the property

Agenda 2030's goal is “no farmers, no food” - if we can't own property, we become the property

The UN's latest report on global hunger shows we are moving backwards. At least 828 million people went hungry one way or another on a daily basis last year. The prices of wheat and other crops have increased exponentially.

Bombshell Report: Moderna Ran Secret Operation To Silence Vaccine Critics

Bombshell Report: Moderna Ran Secret Operation To Silence Vaccine Critics

Big Pharma giant Moderna secretly ran a widespread operation that sought to shut down people who criticized their dangerous mRNA jabs.

Trump requests toppled Confederate statue in DC be restored - report

Trump requests toppled Confederate statue in DC be restored - report

Donald Trump has personally requested that a statue of a Confederate general be put back up after protesters in Washington tore the monument down, according to NBC News.

Pope approves blessings for same-sex couples that must not resemble marriage

Pope approves blessings for same-sex couples that must not resemble marriage

ROME (AP) — Pope Francis formally approved letting Catholic priests bless same-sex couples, the Vatican announced Monday, a radical shift in policy that aimed at making the church more inclusive while maintaining its strict ban on gay marriage.

Vatican takes 'step' towards transgender Catholics

Vatican takes 'step' towards transgender Catholics

LGBTQ rights campaigners welcomed a Vatican statement that transgender people can be baptised as a step towards a more inclusive Catholic Church, but denounced caveats that provide cover to those who object.

COP28 climate summit ends with deal to transition away from fossil fuels

COP28 climate summit ends with deal to transition away from fossil fuels

Government ministers representing nearly 200 countries on Wednesday agreed to a deal that calls for a transition away from fossil fuels, after a previous proposal was met with heated and widespread backlash.

Commonwealth Bank problem exposes major issue with 'cashless' Australia

Commonwealth Bank problem exposes major issue with 'cashless' Australia

Australia is rushing towards becoming a cashless society but not everyone is ready to wave goodbye to physical currency - and there are good reasons why.

SEC Head: Financial Crash Caused by AI 'Nearly Unavoidable'

SEC Head: Financial Crash Caused by AI 'Nearly Unavoidable'

AI could cause a “nearly unavoidable” financial crisis if regulators cannot get a handle on it soon, the head of the SEC said on Monday.

Fundamentalism is 'a disease of all religions': Pope says it is not just Islam that has extremist factions

Fundamentalism is 'a disease of all religions': Pope says it is not just Islam that has extremist factions

Pope Francis today said fundamentalism is not just an Islamic problem and is something which exists in all religions, including the Catholic church.

Supreme Court backs Christian worker who wanted Sundays off in case that may have wide impact

Supreme Court backs Christian worker who wanted Sundays off in case that may have wide impact

WASHINGTON - The Supreme Court on Thursday sided with an evangelical Christian worker who was denied requests to take Sundays off from his post office job to observe his Sabbath, a decision that could have wide-ranging implications for the American workplace.

IDF Veteran Goes Thermonuclear on Netanyahu, Reveals Hamas Attack Was 'Inside Job'

IDF Veteran Goes Thermonuclear on Netanyahu, Reveals Hamas Attack Was 'Inside Job'

The Hamas attack on Israel was an 'inside job' carried out with the full knowledge and support of the Israeli government, according to an Israeli Defense Force veteran who served on the Gaza border.

Erdogan threatens to declare war on Israel and send military to Gaza in chilling warning

Erdogan threatens to declare war on Israel and send military to Gaza in chilling warning

Turkey's president appears to have threatened to intervene in Gaza in an impassioned speech at a pro-Palestine rally this evening.

What we Do

Series of Comprehensive Bible Studies

We are involved in several digital evangelistic works but our core duty is to prepare for God's people various comprehensive Bible Study Resources. These resources are to guide people from all walks of life to discover the truth of the Bible for themselves.

People We Reached since 2018
Souls won for Christ
We Care About Your Health

A Plethora of Health Resources for You

"Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers." -- 3 John 2

Read Candidiasis Treatment Natural Health Remedies
Candidiasis Treatment

Try to eliminate food allergies, hypoglycemia, any infections, and indigestion. Helpful herbs include Burdock, Echinacea, Ginger, Goldenseal, Bee Poll...


Next to air, water is the most vital element needed for survival. Almost every cell and tissue of the body not only contains water but is continually...

Read Temperance NEWSTART

Temperance is defined as “moderation in things that are good and abstinence from things that are bad for us”


Articles & Devotions


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say this too!

I’m Beatrice Shava and I live in New York. My brother sent me your number. God bless you for providing this service to the Christian family worldwide. To God be the glory. Hallelujah!

Beatrice Shava, New York

Amen and Amen! To God be all glory! It’s not easy to compile such a comprehensive Bible study which is Bible - based. If this is not the working of the Spirit then what is? I have been sharing with friends, hoping they too have been blessed. Keep shining for Jesus.

Emily, Malawi

Good morning brethren. I pray you are blessed in the name of our Lord. Thank you so much for the studies particularly Part 3 of the gift of tongues section. I really found this very useful as I had never understood 1 Corinthians 14 in the way it’s been explained here. It’s so clear and it blessed me. May God continue to use you in expounding His truth so many might find THE TRUTH in Jesus. Thank you once again.

Salvenah Mangena, United Kindom

I’m so scared hearing this message twice. I moved from Pentecost to the Adventist church. I’ve discovered the truth. May the Lord strengthen you.

Johnson Animhene, Ghana

Thanks so much. We are running a public effort and now this is very helpful.

Josephine Moyo, Zimbabwe

Good morning. All the studies we've done so far do you have a book for it. I want to do regular studies on them so I can also share with others. How much is the book?

Augustine Opoku Agyeman, Ghana

Thank you and God bless you too. It has been a really insightful and very educative series with very strong background and supporting verses from the Bible. Will be sharing this with others. Thank you very much for your ministry. Maranatha.

Tlamelo Maseke, Botswana

Thanks a lot for these lessons. They are an eye opener. My question is do you have these lessons in the form of a book (either hard copy or soft copy for future use)? If you have, how can I access those books?

Sipho Nxongo, Zimbabwe

I praise the Lord for these wonderful revelations and I pray for deeper understanding. May the Lord bless your ministry. Pleasant day.

Ms. Theodore Thenjiwe Mdlalose, Zimbabwe

Thank you so much. Great series. I’m looking forward to enjoying the studies and will definitely share with others. God bless you abundantly for such a good work.

Sibusisiwe Howe, Zimbabwe

I’m finding out more about this whole situation about our Almighty Father and His plans – Amen and Amen. I’m even sharing the articles with my workmates in Durban, South Africa at a new construction site for a power station project for Ansaldo Avon Peaking Power.

Pride Mutiti, South Africa

All my questions are answered and I also send the topics and recommend the app to those who are far from me on what's up and send to those who are near because I cannot keep this truth within.

Solomon Kwao, Ghana

May the Lord Jesus bless you for the work of searching the TRUTH. You are giving us the light in this dark part of the world. Keep it up.

Bester Mujije, Zimbabwe

How are you friend? I pray for you and your ministry a lot. It’s doing a great work. Sometimes I take your lessons and adapt them to local beliefs and needs. It helps many. Right now I’ve received five requests for the next lesson on the state of the dead.

Pr. E. Mandendera, Zimbabwe

Evening saints. I really enjoyed the three previous studies. May you pray for me that I may minister to others especially my colleagues. May God bless you abundantly that whoever reads your studies may be converted instantly.

Portia Muleya, South Africa

Oh! I’m so grateful for this opportunity to understand the concept of the books of Daniel and Revelation. I thank God so much for having shown me a special group like this. However, I’m going to be a little slow in my learning because I really want to understand and I ask of the Holy Spirit to help me.

Monica, Uganda

Joining WTM has blessed me a lot. I have learnt a lot. God bless the team.

Ampadu Okyere, Ghana

Thanks for the well - structured and easy to understand point. God bless this ministry. I've forwarded the studies to my friend hoping and praying that she joins the study group as well and at the end accept the message.

Wakhonderachi Likha, Malawi

Amen. Powerful. I always pass on the studies to my friends and they are enjoying the Word of God.

Fidelis Myedziwa, Zimbabwe

Thank you. I received a message from my dad regarding studying the book of Daniel and Revelation. Please I will be grateful if you include me in your study sessions.

Portia Muleya, South Africa

Thank you White Throne Media for the good work because the teachings that churches don’t talk about are now in our homes. This topic is educating and is making us grow spiritually.

Given Mwape, Zambia

This was so good and simple to understand. Can you send the fourth lesson? Thank you very much for opening our eyes

Lucas Ndou, South Africa

God bless you servant of the Holy One of Israel. I am blessed to be in this class. I will join the Seventh – day Adventist Church nearer to me. I have already started making enquiries. Thank you.

Mathias Ayeh, Ghana

That is powerful my brothers. I'm short of words but we as Zimbabwean SDA members are helped much.

Anold Maposa, Zimbabwe.

Amen to the powerful Bible study lessons. I’m being blessed beyond description.

Shingirayi Sithole, Zimbabwe

I want to thank the WTM instructors for their dedication on the Word of God which they are sharing especially in our continent Africa. May God bless you and please note that you have influenced Africa and for this reason I wish to pray for you. We are sharing your insights to both believers and non-believers. Please accept warmly my gratitude

Misheck Makainganwa, Zimbabwe

Amen my brother. I couldn’t control my tears, thank you very much. I’m comforted. My heart was burdened with my past for the past month but today I’m relieved. May God continue to bless you and use you for other people’s salvation. Once again thank you.

Sylvia Njiva, kenya

I am experiencing spiritual growth from the lessons you are giving God bless you.

Munyaradzi Zvinorova, Zimbabwe

Thank you so much for a detailed account on the battle of Armageddon. I was very much blessed. I learnt a lot and the exhortations are indeed touching and point to the imminent coming of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Will continue to ask questions about prophecy.

Rosalio Mudimba, Zimbabwe

Thank you for these lessons on prophecy. We are really blessed with my extended family. Everyone’s comment is that these presentations are simplified and clearly explained. May God bless you for this service.

S.G.D. in East Africa

Thank you. It's getting more interesting! I can’t wait for more details each morning as I progress in the lessons. God bless you.

Beatrice Shava, New York, USA

This platform is one of the best treasures man should cherish to come across on earth. It is truly inspired by the Holy Spirit. Glory be to our ever loving Creator and Saviour. Amen and Amen!

Jonathan Mutemeri, Zimbabwe

Thank you. May the Lord constantly continue revealing the truth through your unique efforts. Truly, the entire world is benefiting much through thy programme.

Zivanai Museva, Zimbabwe

Lessons like these bring us closer to the Lord. They sharpen our minds and give us wisdom.

Mdlongwa Desire, Zimbabwe

Amen. I am personally being uplifted. Praise God for this worthy Bible study.

Thelma Sibindi, Zimbabwe

I need the next lesson please. Many people I’ve shared with are waiting.

Pr. E. Mandendera, Zimbabwe

Thanks my brethren in Christ, I can’t hide the joy of salvation of the light of truth I have received by reading what you send. Your references are excellent. The Scripture references are helping me to understand Bible studies and topics. I’m grateful for I’m learning something new.

Janet Ondieki, Kenya

The studies are just too powerful resist. I'm receiving so many follow ups from non - Adventists. God bless you for the great work you are doing.

Ishmael Tavari, Zimbabwe

I love the clarity of this presentation. I pray it creates spiritual awakening through everyone who studies or reads in the name of Jesus Christ.

Eric Sekyi, Ghana

How are you? Thank you for these studies you are sending to me and my family. We are being richly blessed everyday. We are with you in prayer.

Walter Kwangwari, Zimbabwe

I’m blessed with this study. All my questions are being answered. Really this programme was made for me. God bless you my brother.

Sphyiana Vimbo Maposa, Zimbabwe

Hello! Thanks so much for sharing. You just don't have any idea of how this Bible study has helped me in my Christian walk. I missed topics 1-3. Kindly share with me. God Bless you.

Hudson Ogwang, Republic of Uganda

Powerful. I will never be the same, and l will deliver these studies to many people. May God guide and protect you. May His spirit continue to reveal more.

Milward Gabriel Zimbiri, South Africa

Would like to thank you for the lessons. I have enjoyed every bit of them. May God help me and you that we meet on that beautiful shore when He comes again. I now understand and know better about His coming. May God richly bless you as you work for Him.

Mrs. Rosemary Fukiza, Malawi

This programme is helping us a lot. Some questions which have been confusing me for so long are being answered. Please keep the good work. We will always be praying for you

Jephta Desire Venge, Zimbabwe

We now redo these lessons on Sabbath afternoon with friends. Thanks again.

Ntombie Mabuza, South Africa

Indeed, it's a wonderful blessing to have these lessons. Millions from far and wide do miss this unspeakable opportunity to have this privilege. I am blessed.

Jonathan Mutemeri, Zimbabwe

Hello brother Samuel! ... I read your study and I’m impressed. God’s continuous blessings on you my brother as you continue to expound the words of God.

Ena Knibbs, Jamaica

Amen. I’m also forwarding these lessons to more than fifty people, some of whom are non - Adventists.

Mkhokheli Ngwenya, Zimbabwe

Sorry, I just want to know whether I've been cut off. There no more Bible lessons coming to me. If so please may you put me back. My life has been blessed a lot. I've been sharing all the past lessons with my friends and neighbours who don’t have phones with whatsapp application.

Magdalene Nobula, Zimbabwe

My eyes have no more tears. The truth that I have so far come across is tremendously unbearable. Please help me live for Jesus. I am running short of words. Glory be to God.

Jonathan Mutemeri, Zimbabwe

I think I need somewhere like a book to write down these things to avoid losing them. I can’t afford to lose this.

Witness Muzerengwa, Zimbabwe

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